My Son

1993 July - 2018 March

Created by beverley 5 years ago

Born on my birthday 7th July 1993 Cory Stephen Ivery, my first born child so special so loved by us all. 

Cory's first fit at 8 months old was a febrile convulsion,followed by many more without a temperature, after an scan age 5 yrs he was diagnosed with epilepsy and on medication the years  went on Cory developed learning and behavioral problems,he went to a special school often having regular fits and grand mal seizers.

Cory enjoyed his life did what he could and was life and soul at every family occasion,often joking around, dressing up, he was game for a laugh anytime. As Cory got older he just had odd fits some small some bigger, he ached all over after a fit bit his tongue and had to sleep a while afterwards.

2017 Cory's fits changed they were smaller lasting seconds at a time effecting his face and arm only, he was aware of these fits, he knew what was happening. they became regular more often but only lasting seconds.

December 2017 on new years eve Cory had 15 of these fits within a couple of hours, we were worried and made an appointment with his specialist. Cory's specialist wanted to change his medication to control his fits after a recent scan he had. his doctor recommended lamotrogine  as this drug was newer and more suitable to control his fits.

we agreed to this change to help Cory and treatment started, increasing his lamotrogine at 1 tablet every 2 weeks to 75mg morning 75mg night once this was his level his doctor started to degrees his tegratol 1 tablet a week. soon he started fitting again as the tegratol was leaving his system, he starting having grandmal fits.

returning to his specialist he recomended we increase his lamotrogine to 100mg morning and 100mg at night adding 1 tablet aweek in, also adding clobazam  for night use.

cory had a grandmal fit that night taking longer to recover afterwards..second night same again but longer to recover, third night,was the worst night of my life found Cory having a fit then everything stopped. That night my son died.

as a family we are heartbroken it was a shock to us all, Cory,s a big miss in our family. age 24 still a young adult had his life ahead of him,taken too soon

i will forever miss you Cory my heart is broken x